The prerequisite for the insertion of an implant is the sufficient quantity and the appropriate quality of the bone substance. If this is not sufficient in the upper jaw, bone must be built up.
Bone augmentation is a collective term for a wide variety of procedures that vary greatly in terms of effort and difficulty as well as costs.
When is a bone augmentation necessary?
In the case of insufficient bone width, the bone needed to build the jaw can be recovered during surgery. If the amount of bone meal is insufficient, it is mixed with bone substitute material or used only the replacement material. This augmentation area must have a specific protection film, so that the formation of bone can proceed undisturbed. As a rule, a membrane is used for this, which is completely degraded by the body. A removal is then no longer necessary.
A special form of vertical bone structure in the upper jaw is the sinus lift. Sinus lift (often called sinus floor augmentation / elevation) is a surgical procedure that involves inserting bone into the posterior (molars and anterior molars) of the maxilla to enlarge it. A sinus lift is often performed as part of an implant restoration. Bone graft material is stored in the maxillary sinus floor in order to anchor the implants safely. There are basically two methods: internal / internal / closed and external / external / open sinus lift. In the internal procedure, bone graft material is introduced over the graft that has been drilled for the graft. In the outer sinus lift, a bone window is prepared for the maxillary sinus.
The affected area may swell and bleed from the nose or mouth. You should not blow your nose and avoid sneezing as the bone substitute may be washed out or the sutures may loosen.
Your dentist will give you painkillers, antibiotics and mouthwash to help prevent infection. Most patients experience only a few inconveniences after the surgical procedure. After 7-10 days, the threads are removed and the dentist controls the wound healing.